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Moving Beyond the Garden: AquaGrove & Education

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Moving Beyond the Garden: AquaGrove & Education

Anyone who has experienced an AquaGrove already knows about the many benefits gained from harvesting their own fish and veggies in a controlled and easy-to-use aquaponics system.  From pesticide-free fruits and vegetables and 100% organic gardening to growing from almost any location and climate, many growers relish the fact that they can control what goes into their gardens, and ultimately on to their dining tables.

But did you know that the benefits of an AquaGrove go far beyond the garden?  From elementary schools to universities, AquaGrove has been proven to enhance educational programs through hands-on learning.  From coursework in sustainability and agriculture to STEM and science-based experiments and exploration, the AquaGrove provides unique opportunities for learning across multiple disciplines and age groups.  Additionally, AquaGrove growers have access to a learning guide to inspire and expand studies, as well as a fundraising guide to assist educational institutions in securing funds to acquire and maintain a system.

While a variety of educational institutions have integrated AquaGrove into their programs, not all schools and universities utilize it in the same way.  For example, the young minds at A.D. Henderson University School in Boca Raton, Florida use two systems to compare growth rates in AquaGrove using it for both hydroponics and aquaponics.  Additionally, students are granted the freedom to pick and choose from a plethora of seeds to grow their own strawberries, flowers and even tomatoes wherever and whenever they desire – leading to a very eclectic and exciting AquaGrove garden.  In the coming months, students are looking to take their studies to the next level; in partnership with Florida Atlantic University, they have developed a research project that will utilize additional AquaGrove systems to address the issue of harmful algal blooms affecting Florida's waterways.

At the University level, marine biologists at Nova Southeastern University’s “Carpenter House” use AquaGrove to not only raise fish, but to grow lettuce for their main resident (Captain the Sea Turtle) at the Marine Environmental Education Center in Hollywood Beach, Florida.  Earlier this month, they shared their first harvest of the year, as well as invited students from the Aquaponics Club at NSU's University School to join them in setting up a new round of seedlings.

In Sarasota, Florida, students at Everglades University use their expanded, solar-powered AquaGrove to enhance their studies in sustainability.  With a dual grow bed system that runs completely off-grid, the University has used AquaGrove in a multitude of related studies including Introduction to Sustainability, all chemistry courses and multiple alternative energy courses.  Several students volunteer their time outside of class to maintain and monitor the AquaGrove system and present to community groups, and the University has hosted a variety of community events including Sustainability and Solar Fairs, Girls and Boys Scouts, Earth Day and more.  Campus Vice President, Caroline King, expressed the importance of this technology for student: “The AquaGrove serves as a powerful and interactive teaching tool and goes a long way towards helping our students to gain first-hand knowledge of methods to reduce our carbon footprint, grow food in a sustainable manner, and deploy the AquaGrove 'off the grid' for disaster relief and to assist communities without traditional energy infrastructure.”

The team at AquaGrove works to guide current gardeners and growers to more sustainable practices, as well as lead the next generation to improved and efficient growing methods that can benefit gardens, classrooms and the future health of our environment and planet.

To learn more about how AquaGrove can benefit your home garden, classroom or commercial growing operation, contact a team member today.