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AquaGrove Blog

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Water Conservation: Every Drop Counts

Water is one of the most critical resources on Earth. It sustains life, supports ecosystems, and powers industries. Yet, despite its importance, freshwater supplies are under significant strain due to a number of factors including climate change, population growth, and ineff [...]


7 Ways to Live More Sustainably in the New Year

As the new year unfolds, many of us are looking for ways to make a positive impact on the planet. Sustainability is more than a trend; it’s a lifestyle that benefits the environment, conserves resources, and often saves money. Here is a quick look at ten practical and [...]


Reducing Food Waste

On September 29th, people across the globe will observe the International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction. This day serves as a crucial platform for engaging both public authorities and private entities—businesses and consumers alike—to pri [...]


Preparing AquaGrove for the New School Year

As summer draws to a close, many schools are preparing to commence the 2024-25 academic year in the coming weeks. For educators, this period often involves extensive planning and classroom setup in anticipation of welcoming a new cohort of students. In relation to AquaGro [...]


On the Benefits of Gardening

You don’t have to have a “green thumb” to know that gardening can be very rewarding. As AquaGrove growers have experienced firsthand, there are numerous benefits gained from starting and nurturing your own garden. While the obvious benefits are having fresh [...]


How to Start a Sustainability Learning Program

Are you looking to incorporate “Sustainability” into your classroom lessons but don’t know where to begin? Then keep reading because we have gathered some of the easiest and most practical ways to begin your journey in integrating a sustainability program i [...]


Aquaponics - A Sustainable Choice for Gardening

If you are an AquaGrove grower, then you already know about the notable benefits of having an aquaponic garden versus a conventional garden. Aquaponics is often touted as a highly sustainable method of gardening and farming due to several key reasons: Water Efficiency [...]


Plan Ahead for Earth Day

Every year, on April 22nd, individuals, groups, schools, companies, and communities have an opportunity to reflect and be proactive about improving our planet.  First held on April 22,1970, Earth Day has expanded its reach and now includes a wide range of events coordin [...]


All About AquaGrove Assembly

One of the most common questions received by the AquaGrove team is: “How do I install AquaGrove?” For those of you who already have an AquaGrove, you know that the installation process is made easy with a step-by-step assembly guide. But for those who are new to [...]


Small Steps to a Sustainable 2024

In just a few days, it is a new year, making it a perfect time to start new habits and actions for sustainable living. Believe it or not, it does not take much to live more sustainably and adopt eco-friendly habits. To reduce your carbon footprint, you don’t need to re [...]


Sustainable Gifting 2023

From Black Friday and Cyber Monday, everyone seems to be in gift shopping mode this time of year. In fact, according to Tech Radar, this year’s Black Friday sales were the most lucrative to date. That being stated, before you continue shopping, shipping orders, and gat [...]


Funding for STEM and Environmental Programs

As many readers may already be aware, AquaGrove offers a Fundraising Resources Guide for schools and organizations at the start of their AquaGrove program. The guide provides resources for grant opportunities related to sustainability and education, as well as tips and [...]


Taking Action to Transform Food Systems

On September 29th, people around the world will take part in the International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction. The day serves as an opportunity to call upon both public (national or local authorities) and private sectors (businesses and individuals) to pri [...]


Getting AquaGrove Ready for the New School Year

Summer days are coming to a close soon and most schools will be starting the new 2023-24 school year in the coming weeks. For most teachers, they are already well into the planning and classroom preparation phase in anticipation of meeting a new set of students. When it c [...]


5 Benefits of Gardening

As AquaGrove growers have experienced firsthand, there are numerous benefits gained from gardening. It’s true that fresh, organically grown food is good for your body, but the act of gardening offers benefits that go far beyond daily nutrition. If you follow us on s [...]


Terms to Know in Aquaponics - Part II

Last year, we posted a few key terms to know in aquaponics, and based on the response and request for more classroom related content, we have put together an additional list of terms that are helpful when teaching (and learning) about aquaponics. Here are a few key terms [...]


Ways to Participate in Earth Day 2023

Next month, people around the world will join together to celebrate “Earth Day”. Every year, on April 22nd, individuals, groups, schools, companies, and communities have an opportunity to reflect and be proactive about improving our planet.  First held on Ap [...]


Grower Spotlight: Charles Drew Transition Center

Good things are growing in Detroit thanks to the AquaGrove growers at Charles Drew Transition Center. According to their latest reports, their AquaGrove unit and program continues to thrive and has proven to be successful over the last several years. For those readers who [...]


Upcoming Funding Opportunities for Educators

As most educators are aware, financial support is necessary for creating and maintaining new programs and classroom enhancements.  While much of AquaGrove’s equipment and resources can be easily sponsored or acquired through a fundraiser (see previous post on Aqua [...]


5 Ways to a Sustainable New Year

The new year is full of opportunities to set resolutions and goals to improve our lives, and one goal that can have a positive impact on the planet is to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. With sustainable living being a broad term that is frequently used in describing ever [...]


Three Terms to Know in Aquaponics

Lessons in aquaponics are not limited to textbooks and handouts – that’s the beauty of aquaponics in education. The hands-on, live, and interactive experience offered by an AquaGrove system is unmatched and creates team building opportunities and unique ways for [...]


The Basics of AquaGrove Maintenance

When first beginning an aquaponic garden, new growers often have questions about what will be involved with maintaining the system. In order to have success with any aquaponics system, you will need to establish a balance. For a balanced system, you will need to have a proce [...]


Lighting in Aquaponics

When it comes to lighting in aquaponics, there are a myriad of options available. With the AquaGrove aquaponics system, Grow Lights come with each and every unit, for both indoor and outdoor environments.  The lighting system is not only useful for growing indoors and i [...]


Making Sustainability a Priority in Education

In a world of globalization, a booming population and limited resources, educators serve a critical role in preparing the next generation to meet the sustainability challenges of the future.  The imperatives of sustainability point not only to developing new content and [...]


Back to Basics: What is Aquaponics?

A review and basic understanding of the process of aquaponics What is aquaponics? For those who are already growing with AquaGrove, the answer is easy, but the truth is that many people have still not heard of or learned about aquaponics. When I receive this question [...]


Making “Earth Day” Last All Year

Last week, people around the world joined together to celebrate “Earth Day”. Every year, April 22nd is a day where individuals, groups, schools, companies, and communities can take a moment to reflect and take action to benefit our planet.  Those actions inc [...]


Resources in Aquaponics: Farm Business Planning

Many aquaponic gardeners start small and eventually expand to larger farming operations. And while one may have the skills to successfully manage an aquaponic system, developing a larger operation requires some business guidance and development of a business plan. For thi [...]


On the Importance of Sustainable Agriculture

According to UC Davis Agriculture and Sustainability Institute, “sustainable agriculture” is defined as follows: Sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals — environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic& [...]


Funding Opportunities for Educators

As most educators are already aware, financial support is necessary for creating and maintaining new programs and classroom enhancements.  While much of AquaGrove’s equipment and resources can be easily sponsored or acquired through a fundraiser (see previous post [...]


5 Ways to Decrease Your Carbon Footprint in 2022

The new year is an exciting time, bringing new opportunities and chances to make big (or small) changes.  For most of us, those changes come in the form of New Year’s resolutions. And while some resolutions may be easier to achieve than others, the first step to m [...]


Lessons in Aquaponics: Plant Life Cycle

To successfully grow plants, vegetables and flowers in your aquaponic system, it is important to have a basic understanding of the plant life cycle.  With many AquaGrove growers being students, some of the information about plants and their life cycle may be a given, bu [...]


7 Tips for Sustainable Travel

At AquaGrove, we are all about sustainability, in all aspects of our operations. From our stand-alone aquaponic garden to solar power options, we know the importance of saving energy, time and resources and providing sustainable solutions that are earth-friendly and accessib [...]


Takeaways from Climate Week NYC 2021

A review of just some of the information and resources gained from Climate Week in New York City (September 20-26, 2021). Last week, we attended (virtually) Climate Week NYC.  What is Climate Week?  It is an annual event that took place September 20-26, 2021, wi [...]


7 Resources for Teaching About Climate Change

Whether you are a teacher, activist, student or simply interested in understanding climate change, there are many resources available online for learning both in and out of the classroom.  With Climate Week NYC (September 20-26, 2021) just around the corner, there is no [...]


Funding Opportunities for AquaGrove Educators

As every educator and school administrator is aware, school does not stop for Summer.  Summer break is the ideal time for not only planning students’ schedules, but for teachers to plan their classes, as well as make room for new hands-on and creative learning opp [...]


Investment Opportunity for Friends of AquaGrove

As most AquaGrove growers are already aware, the patented thermal technology that is provided by AquaGrove’s tanks is unmatched by any other product.  The tanks not only allow for easy deployment and assembly in nearly any location, but they also offer a unique me [...]


Resources for Earth Day 2021

Earth Day is just a few weeks away (April 22, 2021), and there are so many ways to celebrate and participate in this global event.  This year, invites everyone to join thousands of organizations as they come together for “Three Days of Climate Action& [...]


Funding Opportunities for AquaGrove Growers

Are you a school or organization that is looking for funding to start your own AquaGrove garden?  If so, we have identified a couple of funding opportunities that can help you get started on your own sustainability and aquaponics program. While eligibility requiremen [...]


5 Ways to a Sustainable Garden

Few activities connect us to the environment and our planet the way that gardening connects us.  The process of gardening requires a respect and understanding for plant life, as well as continuous and thoughtful care; gardening is considered both a science and an a [...]


5 Tips for a Sustainable Holiday

‘Tis the season of celebrations and gift-giving, providing opportunities to give thanks and share time with loved ones throughout the holiday season.  At the same time, the holidays provide a chance to give back to others, our communities and our planet, and one o [...]


Lessons in Aquaponics: Fish Care and Maintenance

If you are familiar with aquaponics, then chances are that you are aware of the importance of maintaining healthy fish.  In an aquaponic garden, fish play a vital role in maintaining the balance of the system and providing essential nutrients for the plants to grow.&nbs [...]


Lessons in Aquaponics: pH and Plants

If you are an AquaGrove grower, then you are most likely already aware of the importance of managing pH levels in your system.  As highlighted in the learning guide that accompanies the AquaGrove, managing pH is vital to a healthy aquaponics system; that being stat [...]


Climate Change and Food Security

The global food system is an incredibly complex system that is shaped by many interrelated factors that are all affected by climate change.  Climate change leads to new challenges specifically for the crops upon which the global population has become dependent. Accordin [...]


Getting Restarted with AquaGrove

Due to current conditions, if you are a school it is highly likely that you have not seen your students for several months.  And while a vision for the upcoming school year has yet to be finalized, many educators are getting ready to potentially have partial in-person i [...]


AquaGrove Learning Guide 2.0

As a result of the global pandemic we are currently experiencing, the world as we know it has changed rapidly in just a few short months.  In the same way that businesses have been forced to close doors and modify their operational practices, schools and universities ha [...]


On the Therapeutic Benefits of Gardening

If you already have an AquaGrove, then chances are you have experienced first-hand the many benefits of aquaponic gardening.  From having an organic and sustainable food source to enhancing educational programming, AquaGrove provides opportunities to “Learn and Gr [...]


Getting Started with AquaGrove

New to aquaponics?  No problem – AquaGrove has you covered.  While taking the first steps into the world of aquaponics can be intimidating for those starting their gardens for the first time, aquaponics is truly a fun and engaging activity for students and a [...]


3 Ways to Make 2020 a Sustainable Year

The new year is here, and that means that many new resolutions and goals are being set by millions as we write this post.  With the new year comes new opportunity, not just to create personal goals that motivate you in the right direction, but also to set goals that can [...]


AquaGrove - The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Here at AquaGrove, we are reminded every day of the many gifts that AquaGrove can bring to growers and classrooms.  From the fresh and organic food that can be harvested in isolated urban spaces to the many educational and STEM related lessons that can be experienced by [...]


Moving Beyond the Garden: AquaGrove & Education

Anyone who has experienced an AquaGrove already knows about the many benefits gained from harvesting their own fish and veggies in a controlled and easy-to-use aquaponics system.  From pesticide-free fruits and vegetables and 100% organic gardening to growing from almos [...]


On the Importance of Teaching Sustainability

You simply cannot open a newspaper or science journal without seeing significant evidence of the toll the climate crisis is taking on our environment.  More and more people are talking about global warming due to the increasing number of challenges it presents for citie [...]


Case Study Released: Everglades University

Last month, we shared AquaGrove’s latest installation of the off-grid aquaponics system with expanded grow beds at Everglades University’s campus in Sarasota, Florida.  Since then, new data has been released regarding the progress and outcomes of the teacher [...]


Five Ways to Use Fish Raised in AquaGrove

In aquaponics, fish are the life of the system.  While you rely on the plants to filter the water, you simply cannot grow the plants without proper nutrients, and the fish provide exactly that – nutrients.  When first being introduced to or learning about [...]


On the Benefits of Aquaponics

If you are wondering about aquaponics and how it differs from conventional gardening, you are not alone.  One of the most common questions we receive is “what is aquaponics?” While aquaponics is a sustainable gardening method that dates back to the Aztecs, m [...]


Eye on Education: The Christ School

When we think of Orlando, Florida, we often think of Walt Disney World, the land of magic and creativity – a place where the impossible becomes possible and imagination has no limits.  So it is only fitting that just a short drive from Disney, in the heart of down [...]


AquaGrove Meeting Needs Beyond the Classroom

If you have ever experienced AquaGrove in the classroom, then you already know the amazing things that can happen when students are introduced to the world of AquaGrove and aquaponics – From the introduction of the fish to growing their first harvest, students become e [...]


AquaGrove Donates to Life Remodeled in Detroit

When AquaGrove was invited to support Durfee Innovation Society and the Life Remodeled Project for improving Detroit communities, it was the perfect opportunity to donate an AquaGrove aquaponics systems.  The contribution is just one part of a major undertaking by Life [...]


Museum of Discovery and Science Visits AquaGrove

What happens when you invite a well-respected science museum to visit a unique group of pioneering students?  Aside from an incredible meeting of the minds, you get a great story of insight from the science leaders of today for the future scientists of tomorrow. Earl [...]


Sweepstakes Winner Announced in Arizona

Earlier this year, AquaGrove launched a Sweepstakes in partnership with Mother Earth News.  This summer, the home grower publication closed the entries and randomly selected a winner from approximately 10,000 individuals who entered for a chance to win.  The proud [...]


Grower Spotlight: Santa Fe Community College

If you have checked out our "Case Studies”, you most likely already know about Santa Fe Community College and their trailblazing work in aquaponics.  Being led by what some may refer to as a guru in the field, they have been successfully running, testing and [...]


Learning and Growing with Future Farmers of America

Earlier this month, AquaGrove joined thousands of students in Orlando, Florida for the Florida Future Farmers of America (FFA) 90th Annual State Convention and Expo (June 11-15, 2018).  Held at the Caribe Royale Hotel and Convention Center, there were approximately 5,00 [...]


Ask AquaGrove: Answers to Five Common Questions

AquaGrove clients and educators range from beginner to expert levels of aquaponics experience, and in order for anyone to prepare for launching an aquaponics system, there are a few key questions that we receive and that you should ask to be sure you can meet the requirement [...]


What to Grow with AquaGrove

Are you new to aquaponics?  Are you curious to know what you can grow with an AquaGrove? The truth is that as interesting as aquaponics is as a growing method, many newcomers are intimidated by the process.  Once the “wow” factor wears off and they g [...]


AquaGrove Giveaway through Mother Earth News

Want a chance to win an AquaGrove aquaponics system?  Thanks to the latest launch with Mother Earth News, AquaGrove is inviting home growers, educators and anyone interested in aquaponics to enter to win the first ever AquaGrove Giveaway offered by the company. Part [...]


AquaGrove Launches a Fundraising Guide

With education being a top priority for AquaGrove, we have recently developed a Fundraising Resources Kit to assist schools in securing funds for their own AquaGrove educational program.  The new fundraising guide provides a wealth of information on grant resources and [...]